English Advanced Classes

In the first part of the advanced level students will be able to talk about their aims and ambitions and exchange their point of view. In the context of Human Resources students will be able to talk about weaknesses, strengths and attitudes as well as describe personality traits. They will be able to discuss current relevant topics like climate change, global economic issues etc. All this will be done via vocabulary enhancement and using a variety of complex language.

In the second part of the advanced level students will be taught how to express complex emotions. They will be able to talk about crimes and offences. They will be able to describe democratic processes and collective opinions. Their language will be expanded so that they can speak decisively and tentatively, build arguments persuasively and make points emphatically. They will also be able to make idiomatic and subjective descriptions.

In the Advanced level the language focus shifts from language learning to language building. Students are taught how to add variety and texture to their language by various language tools and gambits.

Test your Level

  • Program
    Start Date
    End Date
    Total Fee
  • English3Step1
    7.30PM - 9.00PM
    Rs. 9,900.00
    Rs. 8,000.00